

Preparing your luggage

  • Checked luggage

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    Here is some advice to help you to do the right things before you reach the airport to make things go as well as possible.

    Contact your airline or your travel agent to be certain when you should be at the airport to check in. Check-in times vary according to airline and destination.
    contact your airline, since you can take only one piece of carry-on luggage whose size varies according to airline.

    Preparation of checked luggage : 

    Your checked luggage must all be labelled with your name
    we advise you to keep your photographic film and medication with you in your carry-on luggage.

    Certain items are forbidden in checked luggage; make certain not to include them in your luggage:

    • Explosives, ammunition, flares...
    • Flammable liquids, solids or gases (white-spirit, butane...)
    • Corrosive products (chlorine bleach, detergent...)
    • Toxic substances, poisons...
    • Gas
    • Radioactive substances
    • Neutralizing or incapacitating products (teargas...)
    • Magnetic masses

    iIf you need to carry items that are forbidden in carry-on luggage, put them in your checked luggage.

  • Cabin luggage

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    On your way through the airport, to ensure your safety and that of other passengers, you will be subject to strict regulations. This applies in particular, to the carriage of your cabin baggage. Here are some tips that will help you prepare for your trip and make the airport security control process easier.

    For more information, please go to the Ministry’s website,   here , or contact your  airline.

    Whilst going through security control, you have access to a deposit service to prevent various prohibited items from being destroyed. These items will kept at the Services Centre until your next visit, according to terms and conditions.

    The following items are prohibited in the cabin (non-exhaustive list):

    • Projectile weapons (firearms, spears, bows, etc.)
    • Any imitations of firearms (toys, decorations, brass knuckles on handbags, “ammunition” keyrings, etc.)
    • Martial arts weapons (nunchucks, katana, tonfa, etc.)
    • Blades of more than 6cm are systematically removed
    • Blades of less than 6cm may be permitted* except pen-knives and bare blades (cutter, bayonet, etc.)

    *Attention, according to your destination, blades may be removed regardless of their size. Please check with your airline

    • Blunt objects: which can cause serious injury (golf clubs, baseball bats, boules, etc.)
    • Explosives, ammunition, flammable liquids and corrosive products (bombs, bleach, methylated spirits, etc.)
    • Tools (check with the airline or check them in with your checked baggage)
    • Disabling or incapacitating items (tear gas, taser, etc.)
    • Liquids, gels and aerosols of more than 100ml or 100g (including soft dough or doughy paste like substances, soft cheese, soft nougat, jam, etc.) 
    • ...

    When packing your baggage, please ensure you do not take these items with you. If in doubt, do not hesitate to put them in your checked baggage.

    Liquids, gels, aerosols and other food:

    What are considered to be ‘liquids’ with regards to security regulations?

    Security regulations apply to all liquids, aerosols, gels, pastes, creams, lotions, mousses, jams, soft cheeses, etc., and to any other substance which consists of at least a partially liquid form at room temperature.

    You can take:

    • “Liquids” of less than 100ml or 100g:
    • Liquids, gels, creams, aerosols and food inside containers of a maximum 100ml each, placed in a single, transparent and resealable bag with a maximum capacity of 1L (20 x 20cm).
    • “Liquids” of more than 100ml or 100g, if:
    • they are a form of medication needed for travel under conditions of an additional security check, a prescription may be required
    • they are a form of baby food needed for travel under conditions of an additional security check 

    These liquids must be presented separately from your baggage to be inspected more quickly and easily

    Attention: the liquid content indicated on the packaging of the product shall prevail and not its actual content (for example, a 150ml bottle of shampoo, even if it is only half-filled, will be considered as a 150ml product and will be refused). Any container without an indication of its capacity will also be removed.

    Information: Security officers may be required to carry out additional checks on your items.